
Cig-Arette Commercial

The Cig-Arette™ seven day stop smoking support system is a complete program of precise herbal formulations that are scientifically designed to do one thingStop you from smoking for life!


Ways to Quit Smoking

"Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality in the United States" - this is the most disturbing fact that the Surgeon General's Report contains. However, this mere statement is only half as disturbing when you find out that this report was made way back in 1982 because at present, the number of fatalities related to smoking increases every day. Based on a very intricate study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by the end of 2004, the current number of American adults who were smoking on a regular basis reached a staggering 44.5 million, making more than 20% of Americans smokers.

It is a fact that smoking causes severe complications on our health that may eventually lead to our own very premature deaths. In fact, adult male smokers lose an estimated 13.2 years on their lives while female smokers lose 14.5 years worth of their lives, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, smoking regularly doesn't necessarily equate to an instant and rapid death. No, it doesn't, for the mere act of smoking a single stick of cigarette is virtually capable of harming almost all vital organs of the body which induces a very slow and painful death through illnesses such as emphysema, blood clot, tuberculosis, and more. CDC attests to this fact with their study showing that approximately 8.6 million Americans were being tormented by at least one chronic disease in the year 2000 from smoking cigarettes on a regular period.

With these dreaded outcomes brought about by smoking, it is a very wise decision to start dropping this vice and start living a very healthy and longer life with your family. The following are some of the suggested methods in curbing down your cigarette-craving until you finally say good riddance to this nasty habit.

First, practice deep breathing every time you feel that urge to smoke a cigarette. Make sure to inhale a lung-full of air that you can muster in one breath. Then, let the air escape through your lips slowly. This simple act is a basic form of yoga and can be useful when you are placed in stressful situations that may urge you to light up a cigarette.

Second, it is always advisable to take in a lot of fluid. There's nothing water can't heal, goes one famous saying, and it stands true because drinking large amounts of water will aid your body to wash out the nicotine and other toxins that corrupt your body.

Third, write down all the positive things of being a non-smoker. Jotting down these advantages will open your eyes and enlighten your frame of thinking which was primarily clouded with the addiction to smoking. Be sure to read aloud all the good things that you've written down. In this way, you get to condition yourself to avoid thinking of going back to your addiction.

Fourth, indulge in simple pleasures. You can try pampering yourself by enjoying a day at a spa to release all the bad vibes and stressful tensions that may serve as impetus to your smoking spree.

Fifth, find the will to destroy all your cigarette stash. Be sure to hide or completely destroy all of your cigarette supplies or anything related to smoking (e.g. ashtrays). The principle behind this rule is quite simple: out of sight, out of mind. Having your favorite lighter lying around your room or around your house won't make it easier for you. This is quite similar to the process of being over someone. Forgetting becomes more difficult when familiar stuffs that can lead you back to that someone is scattered all over your living room.

Lastly, try using some oral substitutes. Such oral substitutes are cinnamon sticks, nicotine gum, and artificial cigarettes. However, you must take note that these "substitutes" only keep you hooked on a cigarette's main component which is nicotine. Thus, this makes the whole quitting ritual a bit more challenging.

A far better alternative to these nicotine-based substitutes is to try out Cig-Arette. Unlike these common cigarette substitutes, the Cig-Arette rids the tissue cells and blood of nicotine which renders the user the ability to immediately escape and resist any physical dependence on nicotine. Moreover, smokers who prefer to use these nicotine patches and nicotine gums only condition their body to become more dependent on nicotine which fosters bouts of regression during the latter part of the quitting process. Cig-Arette uses only natural and organic plants and herbs to combat both the stress build-up, which usually serves as a reason for most people to smoke, and the nicotine that clogs the bloodstream. Furthermore, the Cig-Arette program produces instant results for within the seven-day program, all of the nicotine collected by the body will be purged out from your lungs down to your bloodstream.

Quitting smoking is never a walk in the park. Having to give up the habit you've grown accustomed to can really be a very painful endeavor. However, with all the negative effects and with no proven beneficial aspect, the act of giving up smoking is the wisest move you can ever do in your life. The mere fact that you've thought of shaking this vile habit says a lot about your love and zeal for life.

Second Hand Smoke

Cigarette smoking leads to many health diseases that can cause disabilities and even death. Although medical experts have conducted numerous studies proving the grave effects of smoking on smokers' health, millions of people around the world are still addicted to this habit. Non-smokers' health are also threatened by the second-hand smoke emitted by first-hand smokers.

What is Second-Hand Smoke?

In medical terms, second-hand smoke, also referred to as passive smoke or exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, is generally an admixture of smoke emitted by a lighted cigarette or tobacco. It is also the smoke that is exhaled by smokers. Second-hand smoke stays in the air for hours, and it is uncontrollably inhaled by non-smokers, which may include children.

According to medical studies, second-hand smoke contains more than 4000 ill-causing chemicals. When non-smokers are exposed to this mainstream cigar smoke, they are invariably inhaling toxic components like carcinogens. Carcinogens include harmful chemical combinations like benzo and butadiene. As soon as a non-smoker breathes in second-hand smoke, he is likely to acquire 11 human carcinogen toxins, which are also known as cancer-chemical agents. With such components of mainstream smoke, too much exposure to these by-product emissions is considered lethal.

Effects of Second-Hand Smoke

With the harmful, toxic agents found in the components of second-hand smoke, health studies reveal that exposure to tobacco or cigar smoke can cause short and long-term effects on non-smokers and children.

The short-term effects of exposure to second-hand smoke involve those who have asthma and other minor respiratory problems. If you are asthmatic and get exposed to second-hand smoke, you will likely experience attacks brought on by the emitted smoke.

Since second-hand smoke is considered an allergen, those with allergy conditions can experience runny nose, wheezing, nausea, sneezing, coughing, and other common allergy symptoms once they are exposed to cigar smoke. As for non-smokers who do not have allergy or asthma condition, they can also feel nauseated, sleepy, as well as acquire headaches when exposed to second-hand smoke.

These short-term effects of second-hand smoke exposure will eventually fade as soon as the exposure to emitted smoke ends. However, if you are to be exposed repeatedly with second-hand smoke, you will surely acquire serious, long-term effects of mainstream cigarette smoke.

On the other hand, the long-term effects of second-hand smoke are the same with the scientifically proven health problems caused by direct cigarette smoking. Medical studies show that exposure to second-hand smoke can cause serious respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and COCP as well as other health maladies like cardiovascular-related illnesses.

Based on the current findings of the US Surgeon General's Report, scientific facts state that once you get exposed to second-hand smoke, your body's blood platelets will become stickier, thus resulting damage to your blood vessel linings. Damaged blood vessel lines will likely affect the coronary flow of your blood and reduce the variability of your heart rate. These instances will then increase your chances of experiencing heart attacks. Also, according to other experts' studies, children and non-smokers who are socializing with people who are active smokers have a greater chance of acquiring lung cancer and other respiratory diseases. With this fact, non-smokers who are continuously exposed to second-hand smoke can also acquire grave illnesses even if they are not really smoking.

Aside from being vulnerable to lung cancer and heart-related problems, over-exposure to second-hand smoke can also lead to birth defects and miscarriages. If you are pregnant and your partner or husband is a smoker, the chances of acquiring birth defects and experiencing problems during childbirth are high. As you give birth, your baby, whose lungs are still developing, will likely have weak lungs and heart, thus making him susceptible to many other diseases. Moreover, healthy adults and children can also develop asthma if they are always exposed to second-hand smoke. Since you are always inhaling the smoke emitted by the smokers around you, you will likely acquire asthma even though you do not have the respiratory condition before.

Second-hand smoke can also increase your risk in acquiring ear infections. Studies show that emitted smoke from cigarettes can cause fluid build-up in the middle ear. This fact resulted to over a million cases of ear infections among kids and adults who are non-smokers.

Actions Regarding Second-Hand Smoke

In order to avoid acquiring health problems brought by the exposure to second-hand smoke, almost all US states now implement smoking bans in public places and establishments that serve drink and food. These establishments include restaurants, dinners, cafes, nightclubs, and other dining areas.

Other countries have also established and implemented smoking ban laws in their jurisdictions as actions to the alarming health issues caused by second-hand smoking. Most countries also prohibit smoking in all public areas, buildings, and private establishments. As most smoking regulation laws explain, all office buildings should contain ventilated areas to accommodate smokers and keep non-smokers from being exposed to second-hand smoke. Some regions also prohibit smoking in workplaces, hospitals, public transportation, schools, and shelter areas.

Upon the enactment of smoking ban laws of various countries, statistics show that the number of reported respiratory ailments and other related-smoking illnesses has significantly dropped. Studies also show that some countries, which are traditionally viewed as smoking states, have shown improvements in the number of people who already quit smoking.

As an overall analysis, first-hand smokers are not the only ones who will likely to suffer from the grave effects brought by smoking. The second-hand smoke that smokers emit causes grave effects to children and non-smokers' health. In order to avoid the risks of acquiring respiratory diseases, non-smokers should avoid areas where they are susceptible from inhaling second-hand smoke emissions.

If you or a loved one smokes, there is help. The Cig-Arette System is a quit smoking support system utilizing all-natural herbal ingredients to give your body the nutritional support it needs and making withdrawal easier to cope with. To learn how you can finally quit smoking, visit www.Cig-Arette.com and stop smoking for life!